Product description
Brand New & High Quality
Multi-Functional pull apparatus: Pinch Meter, Chest Expander and Pull Expander .
Perfect for strengthening griping powerand expanding chest
Material: Carbon steel & Plastic
The bull worker, or chest expander, is an exercise device which has been around for ages. Though it is antiquated now there are still many people who seek these out for nostalgic reasons and in some cases as a tool to take on the road with when traveling. The chest expander is a fairly simple tool consisting of two handles joined by four long springs. The heavy springs are what provide resistance during the exercises. Modern day chest expander use rubber tubing as opposed to the metal springs. This makes the device lighter and more portable, and therefore much easier to travel with. The chest expander is actually fairly versatile and can be used to work more than the chest. It can also be used to work the back, lats, shoulders, hamstrings, quads, forearms and the triceps.
To work the chest, grab each of the handles. Slowly pull the expander as far as you can. Once you reach the point where you can't pull it any longer, hold the position for ten seconds, then release. Repeat this process for 10 to 12 reps.
To work your back, you essentially do the same thing, except the expander is across your back as opposed to your chest. Push the expander as far as you can, hold the position for ten seconds and release.
Perform a triceps extension. Grip handles behind the back. Extend one arm overhead and be sure to keep the other arm around mid-back level. Hold for five seconds.
You can work your lats with a motion almost identical to the chest and back expansions. Place the expander behind your neck and grab both handles. Pull apart as far as you can. Hold the maximum extension for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.
Work shoulders. Place the expander at mid-back level, palms facing outward and elbows close to your sides. Extend your arms to the sides, almost as if you are punching something next to you. Hold the position 5 seconds and repeat. .
Exercise hamstrings. Sit down on the floor and place one of your feet in the middle of the expander. Slowly extend your leg against the resistance of the band, but do not fully extend the leg. Hold the extended position for 5 seconds.