Product description
Magnetic Waist Support Belt / Back Harmonizer - Get Rid of Back Pain With High Quality Magnetic Power
Relief From Joint Pains Back Pain Magnetic Waist Belt
Our Waist care Massage Belt contain special minerals, which can release Far IR magnetic power, Negative ION, automatic heating and release body necessary mineral substance.
Magnetic Multi - functional Waist Care Massage Belt Our Waist care Massage Belt contain special minerals, which can release Far IR magnetic power, Negative ION, automatic heating and release body necessary mineral substance.
Elasticized, breathable material.
The magnetic Belt is made of a light weight velvet fabric and has Magnets which may assist with soft tissue injuries, back, neck and shoulder problems, muscular aches and pains, and arthritic pain.
The magnets cover the -
Neck and Shoulder.
Shoulder blades.
Spinal column - through the back panel.
The front panels - the magnets span over the shoulders, rib cage sternum area.
In general, the Belt may assist with overall upper body muscular aches and pains.
The magnetic Belt is a super powered product in the area of magnetic therapy. With Powerful Magnets in it I always get fantastic feedback. It can be used diversely.
For people with just back pain, arthritis to osteoporosis pain. Osteoporosis is chronic and the pain is sometimes in many places.
Persons who are pregnant, using pacemakers or suffer thrombosis should consult their doctor prior to use